Wednesday 10 July 2013

Things I never thought I would do... by Nikki Foster-Kruczek

So, I know I'm a Pioneer and that means I'm up for pretty much anything, anywhere, but I must admit that there are some things I've done recently that even my pioneer spirit went 'YOU'RE DOING WHAT?' about.

For example, learning to Jesus Deck,  who knew that a deck of cards with the gospel story on them could help people connect with their spirituality in really big ways?

Adopting a railway station is in a whole other league though. SOURCE were approached because we are known to care about the Hythe and our track record on such things is pretty good. So now I go to meetings with some fascinating people who also care about their local station. Not sure what they think about the local church being involved in one though. I even wear a badge that says 'Station Adopter' on it as I collect the rubbish and tidy up the plants and check that all is well at the Hythe. Later this year we are hoping to start a community garden at the station and a book shelf for people to take a book from and donate one to. We also want to tidy up the land behind the platforms and make use of the big space on platform 1 for community use. Suggestions are things like a pop up cake stall and a poetry and story telling afternoon. I never saw any of that coming...

I never thought I would be the leader of an octopus shaped church that devloped into a Friary. With levels of commitment and developing it's own liturgy. With new leaders coming forward to take on things, so I can be freed up to look ahead and plan for the next thing. I only partly saw that coming...

I never thought I would have to write a business plan... for something that is still only a maybe... but looks and feels more likely by the day...

I never thought I would build a website... or write a blog... or tweet... in fact I swore I'd never join twitter - and SOURCE use it to pray... never saw that coming!

And I never thought that a place would get under my skin the way the Hythe has. I never thought that I would love a place so much I actually don't want to leave and am making it known to the CofE NOW so there is time to act on it... I really never saw that coming!

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